Phase de mise en place

Chronologie de l’atelier avec 5 phasesAller directement aux tâches actuelles
Phase de mise en place
Phase actuelle
  • Info de tâche L’atelier est en cours de configuration. Veuillez attendre qu’il passe à la phase suivante.
Phase de remise
  • Info de tâche Ouvert pour la remise des travaux dès le mercredi 1 juillet 2020, 18:00 (il y a 1463 jours)
  • Info de tâche Délai de remise des travaux : dimanche 12 septembre 2021, 23:55 (il y a 1024 jours)
Phase d’évaluation
  • Info de tâche Ouvert pour évaluation dès le lundi 13 septembre 2021, 23:55 (il y a 1023 jours)
  • Info de tâche Délai d’évaluation : mercredi 13 octobre 2021, 23:55 (il y a 993 jours)
Phase de notation des évaluations

workshopA "workshop":If you need definitions of the different types of exercises or activities to be submitted on moodle, look at the User's Guide. This is a 'workshop': an exercise in which the students first submit a text in answer to a question, then assess one another's submissions using a multi-criteria assessment form defined by the teacher.

The text below is a 'read-only' question; it is meant to give visitors an idea of possible exercises. Registered students should find a 'Submission' button to attach their contribution.

Diaries and letters: 

Compare the accounts of Bath given in 1766 by the Rev.PenroseChristopher Anstey, and Elizabeth Giffard.

Comment on the different interactive effects and interpretative texts given on the the Georgian Cities website for the three texts. Show the differences with the remarks on social life and fashion in Edinburgh given by Edward Topham and Thomas Somerville at a later period, and with Dr Johnson's texts on London


  • acquiring familiarity with 18th century prose
  • comparing the viewpoints of 18th-century observers
  • acquiring a critical view of digital interactive versions of 18th century documents
  • assessing other students' work: you will have to write your essay, and to assess another student's essay according to set criteria.
Multi-criteria assessment form: 